Representative Building

Filed Under (), (), () by AstRid YuLisa^anGie^ on Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Yesterday my brotha' asked me to come and watch his band, BEAN (Brilliant Energy Accoustic of Nebula). It's in Jakarta, and took place on indonesian representative building (gedung MPR), one of prestigious place in this country. This place had made a lot of histories and regulations for this country. They were invited there to entertain the closing of an event called "Parlemen Remaja". I used that opportunity to take photo of that place as well, not much, just some part of it hehehe. Sorry if it's not nice...I just used phone camera :p I just dont wanna miss the moment. Ow ya..Afgan was in that event too, I'm not a fan of him, but I like his song. It was fun actually..the event and of course..BEAN too..

NB: still feel lost and trying to live without Jaky..
thanks to my Bro, for asked me to go to this event..
