
Filed Under (), () by AstRid YuLisa^anGie^ on Saturday, November 27, 2010

This is Rief *with his Ipad, you must be happy dear :D *

& this is me :)

Miss you Pa & Ma

Filed Under () by AstRid YuLisa^anGie^ on Wednesday, November 24, 2010

This is me, my Pa, Ma and my brother, Aswin. It was on my parent's ceremony of HAjj before they leave to Mecca. It taken on this early month. So, apparently they still on Mecca now...and going back next month..5th december 2010..kinda miss them, hope they're ok, we'll see you soon Pa & Ma, love you both :)

Fear kills me

Filed Under (), () by AstRid YuLisa^anGie^ on Wednesday, October 13, 2010

I'm in the end of my college time..having my thesis to be done. I know I just start it..even chapter one is not finish yet. Just right now, I'm doing my thesis..and like the other people..sometime "stuck" may come..hehe..

Well actually,lately weeks there's a lot of things interfering me during this thesis process. Not only from the even comes from inside of me. I recently found myself filled by so much fears.

Am I trying to perfect? so that fears comes and bothers me?..
Well I dont know, maybe..

All I know, everytime I try to do somethin..I worry about so much things, that feeling is really suck! I hate it..part of myself know that I'm not suppose to be like that. Having fears and lost for it is not good for our life..I know..But I still feel it somehow..huff..I try to make myself relax and told myself to be stronger..I used to know someway to make it works, but not this time...those way lost their magical touch for my spirit and my confidence..I really dont wanna waste time, presicious thing that God give to me..this is my moment..I push myself to rid of it, but I still cant escape..what should I do? should I push myself harder this time? *sigh*

I pray..for God to help me..
There must be somethin wrong about me..
I gotta move on..I want to...
please light my way..and I shall know what to do...
I will try better..amien

Semangat! Gambatte! Jia you! Fighting!

huff.. *sigh*

Happy B'day Momz!

Filed Under (), () by AstRid YuLisa^anGie^ on Monday, September 13, 2010

Yesterday was my Mom b' we (Pa,Bang aswin,Wigi,Tante Yetty,Kak deazy, and Tante Tuty) set up a suprise for her. We gave her a b'day cake, my mom never had a cake b'day in her whole life, no blowing b'day candles, no her own wish b' this time we gave her that...and it worked, she was very suprised, she didn't expect it..and the important things that, she was so happy about it. It ended with a dinner.

all the best n God bless you, love u mom..always :)


Filed Under (), (), () by AstRid YuLisa^anGie^

Happy Idul fitri..gimana hari lebaran kemaren?pasti masing-masing punya cerita yang seru ya. Well hari itu seperti biasa, karena aku berasal dari keluarga multireligion, dimana keluarga mama ku adalah non muslim (mama ku mualaf sejak menikah), so setiap lebaran, aku merayakannya bersama keluarga besar papa ku. Tradisi keluarga ini sama seperti keluarga lainnya, berkumpul bersama di rumah salah satu anggota keluarga, membagikan "salam tempel" (angpau versi lebaran), makan-makan, temu kangen sampai bergosip ria..hehehe This big family is really awesome, everytime we met like that, I never get bored, there always somethin to be talked and laughed about. You should come with me :)

After having a family gathering, we went to kalibata graveyard for my opa. Kami pergi kesana juga tahun lalu (read Visit and Graveyards day! ). This time, my uncle family came with us and too bad my brother can't join us this year, bcoz he got sick. Since my uncle family consist of some kids so after visit my opa stone, we look around, seeing our previous hero stones while my father told us about the history. I love history..and I feel it's cool when I look at their stone, well they was a hero who defend our country..or I guess It's just me who feel that way..hehehehehe

I hope all of you have a very nice lebaran too :)

Tomorrow is Lebaran

Filed Under () by AstRid YuLisa^anGie^ on Thursday, September 9, 2010

Lama tidak bersua lama juga gak bercerita..hhaa..besok udah lebaran..horay!! setiap rumah sudah bersiap dengan kue2 khas lebaran, baju lebaran..bersih2, masak2..seperti keadaan rumah sekarang. Tapi klo udah mw lebaran gini, jadi ngerasa yang kok cepet banget ya..udah mw habis aja puasanya..mungkin lagi enjoy2 nya kali ya..makanya mikir gitu. Mudah2an taun depan kita bertemu lagi ya ramadhan..Amin ya Allah..i'll miss u.. :)

well for all of you who celebrated Idul Fitri..Happy Idul fitri! I would like to apologize for all that I've done..and wish you a sacred Idul Fitri, minal aidin walfaidzin.. :)

sibuk mode:on

Filed Under () by AstRid YuLisa^anGie^ on Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Duh hampir sebulan gak mampir2...kangen banget, udah gatel mo much story to tell, and pictures to share..tapi apa daya, mesti ngurus ini itu, yang deadline dan teman2nya..doain semoga semua urusan lancar, so I can b here again..semangaaaaat!!!!!

Happy B'day PaPz!

Filed Under (), () by AstRid YuLisa^anGie^ on Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Well..sebetulnya udah lewat sih ultah papa 17 juni kemaren, and selametan ultah papa, tanggal 19 juni nya. Sengaja di undur supaya keluarga besar bisa dateng, karena diadakan pas weekend and most of them nginep disana..what a fun!

Bet you knew where it held, yeap that's in KEBUN (read "kebun" gathering 2009), the place is been nicer than the last post about it..we really want to make it comfortable for the guests..walo memang ada beberapa yang berhalangan hadir, tapi acara ini tetep rame and seru! there are soooo many pictures (need 2 facebook's album) that I've taken for this event and those are some of can find the other on below link...

and (I told's quite a lot)


Big Family

Filed Under () by AstRid YuLisa^anGie^ on Tuesday, June 15, 2010

This is my Big Siregar Family..masih ada beberapa yang gak dateng, so bisa di bayang in kan besarnya keluarga ini..hehehe..mana kompak lagi, lov you all!! By the way,can you find me? :p

Old Archive by me Part II

Filed Under () by AstRid YuLisa^anGie^ on Wednesday, May 26, 2010


aku hidup karena kamu
cahaya itu adalah kamu…karena itu pengabdian tulus hanya milikmu
aku punyamu
kamu tahu kuanya untukmu dan ku percaya akan semua kata terucapmu

tapi kini,
apa mimpimu akan kita??apa ingin mu?
kemana “arah” itu??
mengapa seakan terbang tiada bekas ketika masih ada aku di hari esokmu?
masihkah ingin aku bersamamu?

tetapkan hatimu
berhenti berpikir
ini hidupmu…

Another post of mine from my old blog, sekalian pindahan ni. Kenang-kenangan dari masa lalu hehehe. Biar jadi tolak ukur supaya gak galau lagi *halah*. Semua nya galau, so sorry buat yang baca, kalo jadi bloomy2 gitu. Saya dulu memang galau mellow hellow, ckckckckck, sekarang alhamdulillah udah menjauh dari yang begituan :p Ntar bakal ada lagi, posting beginian, gak banyak kok *untung dulu gak banyak ng post, capek juga ni pindahannya* , jangan ikut-ikutan jadi galau ya teman.. :)

drew together :p

Filed Under (), () by AstRid YuLisa^anGie^ on Monday, May 24, 2010

I found this in Rief's cellphone. I dont know that he took picture of it. But I do remember, we were on dinner that time, and we drew together on the tissue. Obviously, that's not good..hehehe but well, oftenly..this is what we like to do while waiting for our orders to come.. :)

Old Archive by me Part 1

Filed Under () by AstRid YuLisa^anGie^ on Saturday, May 22, 2010

Aku ingin

aku sendiri melawan rintang, bergumul dengan semua
berkutat dengan kebingungan,bersama sepi yang masih memelukku
aku hanya ingin meraih
hanya tangan yang sedang menggapai
berbuat yang terbaik kumiliki
buah itu hanya untuk kalian
aku memang hanya kertas polos
tapi aku punya asa akan warna ku
aku memang tak tau dunia
tapi tak bolehkah aku bicara
ku tahu banyak akan suara ku
tapi untuk esok aku tak pernah ingkar
ku tahu apa maksud akan cerita kalian
ku tahu suara yang kalian gumandangkan
aku sangat mengerti…
tapi tak bolehkah aku mendengar hati bicara
mimpiku menunggu tuk terwujud
tanpa sia-sia dalam gapaiku
aku butuh kalian
biarkan aku seperti layang-layang
dan kalian akan tetap memegangku erat
saat ini pun gelap masih menemaniku
sayapku patah…dan menghilang….
jadi tolong aku ‘tuk dapat terbang
sehingga cahaya itu akan dapat aku raih
dengarkan aku…
karena kali ini
aku sangat ingin lakukan
dan benar-benar butuh kalian
beri aku terang….dan harapan…

Nemuin ini di blog lama G, haaa..galau habiss..and emang semua seperti know, tiap orang pasti ada jaman galau mellow helooww..ini salah satu nya..ntar di post lagi deh yang lain, mo menikmati weekend dulu ni..hehehe have a nice weekend guys! :)

Time Crisis End :p

Filed Under () by AstRid YuLisa^anGie^ on Friday, May 21, 2010

This is me & Rief successfully defeating Time Crisis (one of the Time Zone's game).
We are really a good team.
We can make it till the game's end, you can see it from the credit tittle behind us..
Finally! :D


Filed Under () by AstRid YuLisa^anGie^

While I was watching last night,
There's an insect came into my room from out of nowhere..

Wanna watch with me? :)

Batik Works

Filed Under () by AstRid YuLisa^anGie^ on Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Hi! it's been months I didnt post anything..just drop by to say I MISS my blog soo mucch..and share somethin. Well today is my team's presentation day..and we did well..according to the audiences..we give a very nice first impression by wearing Batik..and they also like the presentation, they really got the idea..I'm so excited, after what we through for the preparation, those all are worthed..and I feel release too..thanks to Rief for helping, and of course my team, Anty, Rika, Eka and Andy, Hopefully we get the best..Well done mate!

save by Rief :p

Filed Under (), (), () by AstRid YuLisa^anGie^ on Thursday, March 25, 2010

Long time no seee...kangen ni ma blog, bukan karena gak mau ng-post, tapi karena si blog nya tiba-tiba under maintainance deh...tapi akhirnya masalah terselesaikan dengan baik, dengan bantuan my great and lovely Arief..tengkyu sayaaaang..hehehe..

Well mpe ketemu di post berikutnyaaaaaa.... :)


Filed Under (), () by AstRid YuLisa^anGie^ on Wednesday, February 3, 2010

BEAN are Nando-vocals Ridzki-piano Aswin-bass Baim-drum

I've been watching their live performance (read Representative Building), and it is awesome. Nice music, concept and personal. When I heard the music of BEAN, the sensation is like being in a different dimension because every songs 'born' to be special and was on the different track of POP alternative. I think their music will bring a fresh breeze for Indonesian's music industry that currently kinda boring for me. Believe me, their songs is worth to be heard. There is the following video clip for their debut of their first single "Dariku Untukmu". This song had become one of the soap opera soundtrack, but I forget which one, hehehe .. This song sounds nice and fresh .. plus a cool video clip .. I think that's really good start for them. Spread the good news, BEAN is here!! Enjoy mate :)

Dariku Untukmu

Sampai di hari ini
Tak kutemukan cintaku
Seakan hidup ini
Tak ada artinya lagi
Karena aku tak bisa memilih nya
Ku hanya rindu dirimu disini
Temani hidupku

Dariku untukmu
Sebuah kata maaf yang mungkin
Bisa mengobati hatimu
Dari luka yang ku buat

Bagiku dirimu
Lebih dari apapun itu
Kembalilah kau kepadaku
Aku membutuhkan mu

I want it!

Filed Under (), () by AstRid YuLisa^anGie^ on Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Well it's been so long that I've gone new post for you...I'm just dealing with some stuff and those spent a lot of my time..missing my blog, hmmm..lately I've been thinking..have you ever ask yourself "what do you wanna do for your life?the exactly things that you do to reach your dream or plan"..that gives me makes me figure out, I have plan, I have dream and this world is such a materialistic..but beautiful if you can make it to...(I believe that), moreover, the time is too precious to be left. I want to do something that I like, something that I smile while doing it, something that I do with my heart. So I dont have to complain or regret about it. I want to happy while I'm doing it, cause I'm sure, when I'm happy, I can share it to anyone.

Then I found lot of idea in my head that I wish could be my way to fill my precious life, and some of it, I try to do it, although it is still in progress, but at least I did the start and I would like to finish it. I know and I can feel, doubt and fear surrounds me, the fear of failure hunts me, but you know what, I gotta try..I have to push myself to do it, or I will regret it (again), that I never dare to start it, and I dont want to call myself "coward" for the rest of my life. So this is I am now..I can say that so much things that I would like to know or do it, for now, I really dont know which one that I can be focus on, I have to try all..coz I dont know at all at least I try it first. I will try so much, even its hard...cozI believe in myself...I have dreams and I have to make it pray for me guys..wish me luck! :)

MUMU is Here

Filed Under (), (), () by AstRid YuLisa^anGie^ on Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Let me introduce you to MuMu..

MuMu is a name for my FUJIFILM FINEPIX S 1500 :p it's my first kamera, yeap, setelah penantian panjang, yang selama ini hanya menyalurkan hobi moto dengan kamera hp, akhirnya punya kamera *beneran*. It is just a Pro Summer Camera, kamera yang punya kemampuan lebih dari kamera saku tapi gak merepotkan seperti kamera Digital Single Lens Reflex (DSLR). For me, MuMu is enough, belum perlu yang keren2, ni udah pas ma kapasitas yang aku punya. Jangan salah..gambar-gambar yang di hasilin bagus, gak kalah ma DSLR kok and I believe, generally the photo quality isn't because of the camera but more the person using it give me courage to do it better time to time :) Hasil foto MuMu is already on my DA ( check it -- > or click the link on the right) dan juga bakal ada beberapa di blog ini. Can't wait to take more picturessss...I really love it! :)

Silent throath

Filed Under (), () by AstRid YuLisa^anGie^ on Tuesday, January 5, 2010

I'm having Silent day. Not spoken since I woke up this morning until this moment. Well if you think I'm on strike or something, you wrong. Actually, I really want to talk, but unfortunately my throat hurt. Uuuugh...yeap, hurt. So it becomes Silent day for me.
It makes me wondering, what sore throat is, because some people, including me, always connect it with the unstable weather and body condition. But that's it, I want to know more. Well..after searching hard everywhere (hehehe), Sore throat is the first sign of infection upper respiratory tract (colds, flu, tonsillitis). It is also a symptom of strep throat, which occurred due to failure of lymph nodes against bacteria or viruses. High-carbohydrate foods such as cakes, biscuits, and sugar intake combined with a low key micronutrients can lead to the occurrence of sore throat. Sore throat is usually worse by the fatigue, stress, smoking, and excessive alcohol consumption ( thanks God, I'm not into smoking and alcohol consumption). Throat disorders, acute or chronic, common in Indonesia, especially before the rainy season, when the virus and more allergic factors appear, so that cases are accompanied by sore throat as well as more colds. Especially during the rainy season, decreased immune system due to allergies. If not caused by a dangerous bacteria infection, sore throat can usually be cured by itself, without drugs.
To ease it, there are a few tips as follows:
* Get plenty of rest
* Eat sucking tablets (lozenges). These tablets are beneficial for reducing symptoms of inflammation and sore throats because it contains antiseptic, which is a substance that can kill or stop the growth of germs, especially in the mucous membrane mouth and throat.
* Drink plenty of water or fruit juice. Drink at least 8 glasses of water per day to keep your throat is not dry.
* Gargling warm salt water or mouthwash to reduce the pain. To make a salt water solution, mix 1 / 4 teaspoon salt in 1 / 2 cup warm water.

That's all guys. I hope these tips can help you, who have the same throat problems as mine. Now, I just need to do these tips and see the result. For you all, dont forget to take vitamin (especially vitamin C) and drink lots of water on this unstable weather, stay health guys! :)

Welcome 2010!

Filed Under () by AstRid YuLisa^anGie^ on Friday, January 1, 2010

See your calender, today is 01-01-2010..first day of new year. How about last night? I just had dinner with my b/f and then stayed at home waiting for midnight new years fireworks. Simple but I like it, coz it's our 1st new year together in Bandung. Futhermore, the traffic is more crowded than usual..trumpet, horn and fireworks are everywhere..everyone wanted to celebrate the welcoming of new we both decided not to go outside, they didn't need us..hehehe..How bout you new year eve? bet all you had great time last night. Well..Welcome 2010! best wishes for all of us... :)