Happy B'day Momz!

Filed Under (), () by AstRid YuLisa^anGie^ on Monday, September 13, 2010

Yesterday was my Mom b'day..so we (Pa,Bang aswin,Wigi,Tante Yetty,Kak deazy, and Tante Tuty) set up a suprise for her. We gave her a b'day cake, my mom never had a cake b'day in her whole life, no blowing b'day candles, no her own wish b'day..never..so this time we gave her that...and it worked, she was very suprised, she didn't expect it..and the important things that, she was so happy about it. It ended with a dinner.

all the best n God bless you, love u mom..always :)


Filed Under (), (), () by AstRid YuLisa^anGie^

Happy Idul fitri..gimana hari lebaran kemaren?pasti masing-masing punya cerita yang seru ya. Well hari itu seperti biasa, karena aku berasal dari keluarga multireligion, dimana keluarga mama ku adalah non muslim (mama ku mualaf sejak menikah), so setiap lebaran, aku merayakannya bersama keluarga besar papa ku. Tradisi keluarga ini sama seperti keluarga lainnya, berkumpul bersama di rumah salah satu anggota keluarga, membagikan "salam tempel" (angpau versi lebaran), makan-makan, temu kangen sampai bergosip ria..hehehe This big family is really awesome, everytime we met like that, I never get bored, there always somethin to be talked and laughed about. You should come with me :)

After having a family gathering, we went to kalibata graveyard for my opa. Kami pergi kesana juga tahun lalu (read Visit and Graveyards day! ). This time, my uncle family came with us and too bad my brother can't join us this year, bcoz he got sick. Since my uncle family consist of some kids so after visit my opa stone, we look around, seeing our previous hero stones while my father told us about the history. I love history..and I feel it's cool when I look at their stone, well they was a hero who defend our country..or I guess It's just me who feel that way..hehehehehe

I hope all of you have a very nice lebaran too :)

Tomorrow is Lebaran

Filed Under () by AstRid YuLisa^anGie^ on Thursday, September 9, 2010

Lama tidak bersua lama juga gak bercerita..hhaa..besok udah lebaran..horay!! setiap rumah sudah bersiap dengan kue2 khas lebaran, baju lebaran..bersih2, masak2..seperti keadaan rumah sekarang. Tapi klo udah mw lebaran gini, jadi ngerasa yang kok cepet banget ya..udah mw habis aja puasanya..mungkin lagi enjoy2 nya kali ya..makanya mikir gitu. Mudah2an taun depan kita bertemu lagi ya ramadhan..Amin ya Allah..i'll miss u.. :)

well for all of you who celebrated Idul Fitri..Happy Idul fitri! I would like to apologize for all that I've done..and wish you a sacred Idul Fitri, minal aidin walfaidzin.. :)